August 18, 2019
I am editing for the first time in a decade. I've made some changes to the dictionary, and will try to reflect them soon. I will make some of the changes I discussed earlier.
June 4, 2009
Though I am not making these changes, I have some ideas about things I'd like to suggest. There are a number of words from Chinook Jargon (a trade language once spoken on the West Coast of the US) that have onomatopoeitic origins, and I've been thinking those associations are good, as they are easy to remember. One is tumtum for "heart," which is also used to mean "feelings" or "mind". Others are liplip for boil, chikchik for vehicle, tiktik for clock, tintin for bell, wawa for talk, hihi for laughter (already in NP), piupiu for smell, and to for spitting.
April 7, 2009
I am thinking of replacing the Dutch "koken" for "cook" with "paka", which is an Indic word for "cooked." It was used in Hindustani pidgin, as "pucca," with the meaning of "cooked, ripe, proper." It seems to have that wide meaning that a pidgin should require.
June 10, 2008
I decided to change the possession marker from di to na. I'll update the materials.
March 27, 2007.
mada = still, yet
halom = pile, heap
puli = tiger
stato = province, state
datu = across, cross
cixu = attitude
dubyo = doubt, suspect
tinte = crystal
woli (male) -> maga
tana (earth, soil) -> bumi
makan (eat) -> cifan
amo (love) -> ai
betul (correct) -> dwi
obe (obey) -> falo
lemas (weak) -> lema
leho (far) -> dale
kwai (fast, early) -> wiki
danki (thanks) -> merged with asante
banfa (way) -> merged with moda
anxante (delighted)
alada (separate) -> merged with acana
bildi (build) -> merged with sana
klasa (rank) -> ceo
dami (quantity) -> merged with muito, paya
hale (building) -> merged with kasa
mausam (season) -> merged with wela
kamili (complete) -> merged with pafe, saba
kamino (road) -> senda
kilima (hill) -> merged with monte
toma (drink) -> lena
mantale (order) -> manda
nasim (wind) -> hawa
som (some, any)
emuse (dull) -> tumpul
coto (few) -> merged with tuti
maxan (soon) -> merged with cika (near)
akisi (reflect) -> merged with aena (mirror)
There are some words that have several versions. In such cases, I think it's best to accept either for the time being. Eventually, one will gain currency.
mi (I). The Chinese "wo" is another choice.
yu (you). The Chinese "ni" is another choice.
fanya (make). An existing version is "hase".
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