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on March 24, 2006 at 9:52:10 pm

Welcome to the Creolian Wiki!


This wiki provides an introduction to two languages: Dunia Patwa and Neo Patwa. Both are attempts to form a sort of "world pidgin," a new international language created through a mixture of various languages. The main idea behind these languages is that with our globalizing world, a new international language will eventually be born, and here I am proposing a structure for it. Generally speaking, creole languages tend to have simplified grammar and phonology, accompanied by longer words and longer sentences to make up for deficiencies in the other areas. As you will see, this language project is based on that idea. In creating it, I tried to take concepts and words fairly from a variety of existing languages. I hope you find it helpful. Access the following pages to learn more. The difference between the two languages, very simply, is that Neo Patwa has a much simpler phonology than Dunia Patwa. I am still learning, and am not really sure which is more appropriate, so I am maintaining both languages simultaneously.


Dunia Patwa


Learning Dunia Patwa


Dictionary (New)

Dictionary (PDF)


Phonology: Learn the sounds of Dunia Patwa

Grammar: Explanations of how to put the words together

Writing: How to write in Creolian

Grammatical Words


Older Dictionary

Eng-Pat dictionary


Background Information




Neo Patwa


At the moment, all there is is a short description of how Neo Patwa differs from Dunia Patwa. In the future, I'll be adding a dictionary of Neo Patwa as well.





The two following projects are of special significance to the creation of Dunia Patwa: the Mulivo international vocabulary project, organized by Risto Kupsala, and the LangX project, organized by Antony Alexander.




The jellyfish and the monkey, an old Japanese tale.




If you have comments or criticisms, send them to the author.

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